All of us at Wee Wisdom want you to know that we want to support you and your families. Please take a moment to read this and feel free to share with your friends and families with little ones. Please, please LIMIT WHAT YOUR LITTLE ONE SEES AND HEARS!!
From Oregon Child Care Resouce & Referral Network:
Today is indeed a sad day for the entire nation. This morning at 9:30am, a person with a gun opened fire in a Connecticut elemantary school killing 26 people. 20 of them were children. When the news media informs the public about tracgic incidents, stories and images related to the incident continue to play over and over againas more details are uncovered. Adults may try to make sense of these tragic events: although there is really no way to fully understand the violence that is happening in our communities today.
As Oregon was beginning to cope with the tragic shootings at the Clackamas Mall earlier this week, another more traumatic event occurred today. We are called to unite as community agencies and child care practitioners to help parents understand and deal with the impact that exposure to violent programming can have on children.
Children's cognitive development is not mature enough to analyze and synthesize violent imagery and tragic stories to the extent that older siblings and adults are capable of doing. Young children simply record the images in their subconscious mind. Subsequently, those violent images may play out in the form of nightmares, bedwetting, anger outbursts, regressive/fearful behaviors, appetitie changes; plus othe symptoms depending on each individual case.
Tips for Child Care Practitioners and Parents:
You can also call the OCCRRN office at 800.342.6712